Homeowner Information

Monthly HOA 2024 Dues

As of January 1, 2024, the monthly HOA dues are now $125. These dues are payable on the FIRST DAY of the month. Your dues are payable to the Farmwell Hunt HOA. To avoid interest charges and a late payment penalty of $39, please insure that the dues are paid to be received by our bank lock box on the FIRST of the month.

For more information on paying your dues, including instructions for finding your account number and addresses for paying your HOA dues, please visit our Property manager page. 

Electronic HOA Account Access

Please sign up for online access to your HOA account. This will allow us to email you important notices, review your HOA account balances, access documents, submit architectural requests, and optionally participate in a resident directory. Details on how to sign up are also included on the Property manager page. 


The monthly HOA meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of every month. The dates are posted in the calendar and the location remains the same: the Farmwell Hunt Clubhouse or virtually via Google Meet.


Are you making an architectural improvement to your home or landscaping? If so, you must complete an Architectural Modification Form. Please see the Covenants page for more information and to access the guidelines, application form, and the current issue of our covenants newsletter.


With a new Sheriff in place, the Loudoun County Sheriff's Department has restructured itself, and we have access to a Community Resource Deputy who we can contact to discuss potential issues. Deputy Robert Thomasson is one of those resources  who we can use to address concerns. For non-emergency situations, he may be reached by e-mailing at Robert.Thomasson@loudoun.gov;   Deputy Thomasson is stationed at the 45299 Research Place Station.


Yes there really is an official Post Lantern for the  exterior of your Townhouse. If you have received a citation for a damaged fixture or are looking to replace the  current fixture see: http://www.lightingdirect.com/sea-gull-lighting-8239-lancaster-3-light-outdoor-lantern-post-light/p106023


All VDOT owned streets are assigned a 4-digit street number. Use this number when corresponding to VDOT regarding streets repairs, potholes, and other unsafe road conditions. This signage is affixed to a pole at the nearest intersection.


So why are strange people meeting in the woods in the early morning? Are they watching the migration pattern of the exotic RED squirrel? And why is that car trolling thru the neighborhood each morning at 3AM. It certainly isn't the Washington Post Delivery Boy. If you see something that looks suspicious then please say something. Your best bet is to contact the Sheriff's Department. If you don't make the call when the action is taking place, NOTHING will happen. E-mailing the HOA or putting your inquiry on "Nextdoor.Com" won't see the problem. If you consistently see strange behavior occurring, then please be a part of the Neighborhood Crime Watch: Contact the Authorities. We want Farmwell Hunt to be a safe place for everyone, but it won't happen without YOUR HELP!